What the Resurrection Means for Your Dead Marriage

The hype behind Easter and the “cuteness” of it takes away from the gory and bloody reality of what actually occurred in the life of Jesus over 2000 years ago. We celebrate it as though it is a children’s story of a superhero who everyone thought wouldn’t make it, but at the last hour saved the day. 

But the reality is there’s nothing pretty about the Death and Resurrection. The road to the cross was filled with betrayal, pain, deceit, and heartache. Though it is hard to imagine, it is certainly not the well put together story our Sunday School teachers made it.

I know what it’s like to live in a dead marriage. I know what it’s like to look into your partner’s eyes, the one you promised to love for the rest of your life with deep passion and much optimism, and see someone that is unrecognizable. 

I know what it’s like to live hopeless in a routine for the sake of seeming functional; to smile in front of everyone but feel empty inside. To even have a sense of resentment and anger every single day because of where you are. I know what it’s like to give until you don’t even have anything left for yourself but still be met with resistance.

I know.

It cuts like a knife and feels like the slowest death of all with no end in sight...but the thought of what the end could be tears you up even more.



There is good news.

I know it doesn’t seem like good news can ever be present in the place that you’re in, but it certainly is.

The work Jesus did on the cross was not just for things like lying, stealing, adultery, and greed. It wasn’t just about eradicating sin, but for Grace in the seasons there is no template for; seasons like yours, dear one.

Through the resurrection of Jesus, we see how even the most dead and disfigured situations can be brought to life in wholeness and with more Glory than ever imagined.

You must still know that the power that was necessary to raise Jesus from death is actively available to you. No, your marriage is not suffering because you didn’t pray enough, however, your faith in Christ the Redeemer may shift the trajectory of what could be.

Your marriage can shift in a way that tells the story of the “Suddenly” nature of God, Who changes things in an instant and makes it brand new.

However, it may also be that where your marriage is today may ultimately lead to a permanent division. BUT, even in that new life, resurrected life can come from there.

There is NOTHING God cannot revive.

Your marriage

Your children





Nothing is beyond His grasp…Nothing is exempt from the power of the resurrection.

Every lash He took on His Body was not just to heal your physical infirmities, but the emotional ones that stem from betrayal, disappointment, or abandonment.

Wherever you are today, in whatever mindset you’re in, know this: There’s Blood for that.

You may feel battered and bruised while climbing a steep hill to your own Calvary; mounted upon your own excruciating cross, but be encouraged that you’re in good company. Because when the Resurrection comes…and it will…beauty will once again emerge, and Glory will be revealed.

How can I pray for you? Any encouraging words for those who may be enduring marital heartache? Comment below, I’d love to hear from you.