3 Reasons Why “The One” May Exist After All
3 Reasons Why “The One” May Exist After All
When I originally read the post “3 Reasons Why ‘The One’ Doesn’t Exist”, I cringed.
I try not to speak in absolutes, and think it can be a dangerous thing as a Christian, and as a human, to live in the mindset of absolutes. There are times when God speaks a promise over us and we can hyper-focus on the words He shared with us instead of the Truth in His Word.
Here are 3 reasons why, I believe, the One may exist after all:
God is sovereign, even when we try to do our own thing.
As my pastor says, “Let’s go Bible.”
God gave a promise to Abraham regarding his heir. Sarah wasn’t buying it (Mainly due to her being barren)! She turned around and gave Abraham her servant, Hagar, as a surrogate to the promise. We all know how that turned out (Baby mama drama, is no joke).
God could have used the son produced by Hagar, but He intended for the promise to be delivered through Sarah, cue Isaac.
Even with their screw up, God took authority over the situation and birthed the promise. Stop allowing your screw ups and mistakes to sway your thinking on God’s promise. He sees you, and your mess. He’s still going to give you the promise. If he worked on behalf of our actions only, He wouldn’t be God.
2. Boaz was the One
Let’s be real, Boaz was the realest!
He was a distant relative to her first husband, a provider, protector, and promise keeper. He followed the kinsman law, and stepped up to marry Ruth; redeeming the bloodline of his kinsman and fulfilling covenant. Their son, Obed, was given to Naomi, thus also redeeming her from her adopted identity of bitterness. Ruth chose to follow Naomi, and trust her leading in regards to Boaz. She was blessed with “The One” and their union blessed others.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. (Romans 8:28 NLT)
Seems to me, God used her first marriage to set her up to be found by “The One”. Without her marrying her first husband, she would be back at her Mama’s house living as a widow, instead of being placed in the lineage of Joseph, husband of Mary, who birthed God’s own Son.
The One, may not mean the only one. It may just mean the One for the purposes God has for you!
3. God is omniscient, alone.
It is not that God does or does not have “The One” set apart for us to be united with, it is more so that we, as his children, do not know all the details.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11)
The Father reminds us that He alone has the ultimate plan for our lives. So we should trust in Him alone and not in our circumstances, nor in our own interpretations of what His Word says. The Father knows who is right for us and who is not so right. He gives relationships to us in seasons, but it is the impact that’s most important.
Peter Parker’s uncle, Ben, once said, “With great power, comes great responsibility.” The same can be attributed to great knowledge. When a man I date doesn't call me back or forsakes to keepsmy best interest at heart, I trust in God. He knows the plans for my life; not man, and especially not me.
It’s more than ok to just...not...know.
Does this mean that “The One” exists? Maybe. It means that whether or not the one exists God is still faithful in fufilling the purpose He has in your life. He will still work things together for your good. The choice is up to you to decide for yourself what to believe.
As a single woman [who has never been married], I hold out hope for God to unite me with “The One” he has set aside especially for me. Beyond that I choose to hold closely to the fact that God is sovereign, strategic, and omniscient of His plan for my life.
I want to encourage you to rest, dear one. Rest in His promises for your life. Rest in the knowledge that He hears your heart, and knows the desires that lie within. Rest in the comfort of not knowing for sure. Let God hold the Power, let God hold the knowledge, and let God work all things together for your good.